at non other than the famous...
Belgian Beer Cafe!
Love the atmosphere...very relaxed and cosy. Staff were friendly and polite which is always a +!
Picture that I got off the website *of course* =)
Not as crowded as the picture suggests, which is a GOOD thing...
Menus were slightly big ...its half my size!
That is to say, if you put one menu on top of the other, it would measure up to my height. Come to think of it, I think it would cover all of me!
THIS is what I usually drink...

*omg Hoegaarden YUMM~!!*
But this time, I was peer pressured to let the men be men, and follow the girls to order a flavoured beer...

Timmermans Peach-flavoured Beer
mmm nice, but abit to sweet. That goes for the rasberry *
sour!* and the fruits-of-the-forest *R
ibena!!* flavours as well. The girls all really loved it though...
Now, on to the foooood! =)
Belgian Beer Cafe specialises in two things: the beer and *of course* THE MUSSELS!! and at half price on wednesdays, who can resist it?

*The Spread*
We ordered:
3 pots of mussels (YES, they all come in pots...all 1kg of it!!)
~ Provencale: cooked with tomato, herbs and garlic
This was my favourite style. Tastes really traditional and favorsome.
~Poulette: cooked with white wime, bacon and vegetables
mmm....this one was O.K. Not bad, but not great. Although, for some really odd reason, the mussels were the JUICY-EST! in this pot...
~Blue Cheese: cooked cheese?
I know, you are all probably thinking YUCK!! but it was actually pretty nice! The blue cheese stink wasnt overwhelming...but the more of it you eat, the saltier it gets...dont ask me why!
We also ordered the Canelloni and the Belgian Style sausages ...but they were nothing to brag about =(

*also from website!*
When we were done, this was what all the pots looked like...

Wondering why all the photos are so pretty and so clear? BECAUSE WE USED A PROPER CAMERA!! all chunky and black and professional!

*Thats me...trying to be professional*
But of course, all the photos were'nt taken by me, just this one! Coz its not all about the camera, its knowing how to use it! This was just a rare opportunity where I got to muck around with it, and it is SO FUN! Makes me want to get one for myself. But I know ME ~ and knowing that, I really couldnt be stuffed to carry around such a big camera. I also would be too shy to take it out and watch people watch me, trying to be all creative and camwhoring (coz I WILL camwhore with it!!). AND my bag is full of so much shit that I always carry around, that I will have to carry another bag for my so-precious-camera and its just so much trouble and doesnt go with my outfit and bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....
so in other words, I cant be bothered!
benefit: can take really really nice photos!! I WANT!!
le sigh~ wtf

*All Mussel-ed out*
Heritage Belgian Beer Cafe
135 Harrington Street
The Rocks NSW 2000.