Sunday, August 17, 2008

Osakaaa aka Underground Japan

Or so some people say...and I completely agree! =)

Thanks to a *local* friend j-j-j-j-jessssss!

*Kita-tanabe: the station we called HOME*

*the only tourist-y thing we did...visit the osaka tower, and we didnt even go up!! it was 600yen, and we were tight! also the "God-Of-All-Things-As-They-Are-Meant-To-Be" XD*

-- randomly with a normal sorft serve and a GIANT soft serve XXD I have a thing with giant things *winks*

From making our own takoyaki to *kinda* making our own okonomiyaki!

*behold the Tea-Monsta!! from 0 water-a-day to 1Litre of tea-a-day!!*

Met some cool peeps:
ok, so didnt do anything 'underground' lol but it fucking awesome!!!!!